February 18, 2018
|Reading Time: 2 mins
This is a recurring post that attempts to answer the questions that I, and other counselors had when we first started in the field. I sincerely hope this helps. Question: How do I know if I’m actually helping? First off, great question! Second of all, feeling inadequate as a clinician is a perfectly normal feeling…
January 08, 2018
|Reading Time: 2 mins
After graduating from the Mental Health Counseling Program in May 2013 I began to work at an organization whose main mode of treatment is group therapy. Before working at this organization I had some idea of the impact of group therapy after taking the Group Counseling course at Hunter College. However, after almost 10 months of facilitating groups daily I now marvel at the “group counseling process”.
December 04, 2017
|Reading Time: 5 mins
Today I was thinking a lot about the psychological construct “rumination”, which is defined as repetitively thinking about the causes, consequences, and symptoms of one’s negative mood (as opposed to its solutions). An example of this is...
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© Kyeisha Hodge PLLC, 2019